Friday, October 1, 2010

Banned Books, Now Banned Authors

I have no idea why they are banning books in the first place. If a person feels like that a certain book is full of violence or inappropriate things then they could just stop reading it. Why would they want to ban it? Others might like the books, I don't think a group of people who feels like certain books are inappropriate should get to decide whether the book should stay on the shelf or not. They should leave it on the shelf so other readers gets the chance to decide for themselves. Some "inappropriate" books may contain a deep meaning to it, like Lord of the Flies. This book has been banned in some places but it teaches the readers that in our human nature we can do anything to survive, which includes killing each other.
I think banned books week should be kept because that is the week when people celebrate the freedom to read the books that they want. Although I don't read much but once I get started I can't stop. I don't like it when someone tells me to read this book or that book, or when they tell me "you can't read this book because it is not suitable." In my eyes I like it when I get to choose the book I want to read, I don't want someone to tell me what I can't read. Strangely enough the books that some people find too violent are the ones that I like the best. So I really do think that getting rid of this banned books week is not a good idea.
First they decide to ban books but now they are also banning authors. Maybe the author wrote one book that might be full of violence but that doesn't mean all the other books are full of violence. I think people overreact sometimes, they probably don't even know what they are doing.
We should appreciate the books we have now, who knows what book/author might be banned next. Perhaps the book that you like the most will be the next book that is banned.


Vincent Lovell said...

I agree with Greace. Who is to say what books should be banned and what books shouldn't, when it is so clear that there are far more inappropriate movies out there. Why is it that they aren't banned ? Sure they have banned movies in the past such as the original "Roller Ball", but these days the filth on the movie screen is ridiculous. The amount of violence and smut on the movie screen is unbelievable. But these days its not banned it just gets a raring of "R" and this is supposed to stop underage people from watching it, all they have to do is wait for it to be available for download then watch it. When movies and TV are become increasingly violent and sexual, it is just a matter of time before our society becomes completely desensitized to just about everything.

Jez said...

Mhm.. I agree with Vincent. If they banned the books that are too violent or sexual, in order to obstruct people's contact to the sense of violence and sexual contents, then why are some of the movies, today, that are ridiculously sexual and/or violent not banned?

Elaine❤ said...

I agree with you. Isn't it all about freedom of speech?
If certain books are inappropriate and I understand some are then they should rate it and put it in a different section. But authors?! thats just ridiculous.

Off topic but nowadays theres a big fuzz about 3D movies and recently I read that they are making 3D porn and despite the inappropriateness of porn, it's now even in 3D, taking this inappropriateness to a new degree, allowing access to such inappropriate content should be banned. Not some author who writes against the systems.