Friday, April 25, 2008

Animal Rights (Part 2)

Do you want to know where your meat comes from? Well if you do i hope you check out this site

-Do we have the right to kill animals to eat?
Well it have to depend on what kind of situation. Like you could say how the animal is raised whether by faring, big or small farm, or hunting. If it was me i would prefer hunting. I know I know some of the people out there might think that hunting is cruel and it is not right to shoot them. But from my point of view, the way i think is right is by hunting since it has live a great life being in the wild, being free, and not trapped inside a fence or a cage. If it is in the forest then it must have a happy life, if it was you would you rather die free or die inside a cage. So why not kill an animal after it had a great life there is nothing wrong with that. If it was farming it is completely different, because if it is in a farm the animals in the farm will not get the freedom to roam around, it will be trapped inside a cage. If it was you, then you probably would not live a happy life in a cage, so when you kill it when it did not even get a chance to be free then it would be king of sad. Someone might say well you are putting it out of its misery, well that is not true because maybe the animal wants to be free and be happy before it is killed. But then again it has to depend on the size of the farm because normally big farm as corporation that means the cows, chickens, and pigs are all raised with machines. And the small one which i might agree to is the one where people treat them nicely feed what is suppose to be fed.

So finally to the end you might say what does all this got to do with if we could eat those animals or not. Well the answer is everything, because eating an animal is not just a simple process, people feed it with machines with medicines/ grass and then kill it. The ones that did not live a happy life should not be killed and should also be set free. And the ones that did have a happy life has the right to be killed.

For more information please go to the site i put above and go check out what is really behind the meats. And no this site is not one of the reading sites this is a site for you to watch movies( It is quite fun)


Anonymous said...

So what would you suggest people do if they still want to eat meat? Clearly, not everyone can go hunting right?

A Picky Eater's Guide said...

buy free range meat.

Kevin said...

oh! i saw that video before. its funny. but i think we should still eat meats, because if you don't eat it . you might be missing some nutrients.