Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Today we talked about our reading strategies, and i thought it was really funny. Th teacher told is that he liked peanut butter cup icecream, he thought it was the most unbeliveable thing. He said that his birthday was June 20th so maybe if we could find the ice cream he wants that would be great. He said that the most important idea has effect on other things. After that we started to look at the pages that we read, and the teacher told us that the history book was a good book because it provides us with clues. So after awhile we had to get in groups of two, to talk about our own reading strategies, and i was paired up with Jez. When we got into the groups we had to tell the partner our reading strtegies, if we are finished we tell the teacher and then he types it on the coputer and show it on the projector. Jordan's reading stratedy is to read the book twice. Kevin's reading strategy was to take notes. My reading strategy was to take notes on the main topic. Jez's reading strategy was to read the book and take notes on stickies and stick it inside the book, and the teacher thought it was a wonderful idea. Eunice's reading strategy was to read the title and understand how the idea in the section connect to the title. Connie's reading strategy was to pay attention to the underline words , and also underlining her own words that she think is connected to important ideas.
Then we started to talk about goofy things like jellybeans, after that we had to list five impotant things that we had read. I was sad at the end because we had homework but it was a easy homework, so was today's class.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

Anonymous said...

Cool web site, I hadn't come across previously in my searches!
Keep up the good work!