Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Current Event Blog
This paragraph is talking about China and India wanting Obama to show some more commitment on the climate happening right now. And Obama has pledged to do something about this and the top US representatives held a conference on some plans on this event. There is bias in this article becasuse it said China and India wanted Obama to do something about it, maybe some people didn't want to do anything to help the world. I think it is good they are doing something about the climate change, becasue right now there is a big climate change happening resulting in global warming.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Current Event Blog

Gaza 'looks like earthquake zone'
After the attack of Gaza city it looked just like an giant earthquake had hit Gaza city. The attack happened 3 weeks ago and now the Gaza city is completely destroyed. The houses of this city was mostly flattened and the bodies are still being recovered. The significance of this article is saying that because of the difference of religion the Israels attacked Gaza city, and therefore resulting in a flattened city. I believe there is bias in this article because the people in Gaza city said it was terrible and it is an opinion since some others might be glad that the city was destroyed. I agree with the people from Gaza city, it is a terrible thing to do, I mean they just destroyed another place just because they believed in something different.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reflection on video

1.How do Paiwan people show their respect to the animal they hunted? Wear their tusks and teeth on their head.

2.Why archery is so important to Bunun people? How did fathers train their children to be an archer? Archery is important because it is the most efficient weapon for killing animals and they use pig years to train their archery skills.

3.Why are bats welcomed by Ancient Chinese culture? But in western societies, why do people regard bats as nuisance?The bats are welcomed by the ancient Chinese because they chase away evil and they were the sign of good luck. They are a nuisance because they are considered disgusting and dirty.

4.This video shows a lot of living extinct animals in Taiwan. Please choose one animal that impressed you the most and describe its habitat and its way to survive in the natural environment?The black bear impressed me the most, this bear can thrive on some things on the tree and they live in the mountains.

SMASH Day Reflection

I was being a critical thinker and problem solver because I was thinking about how the marble can reach the goal with high score a long with the team. It was actually hard to think about the ways to get a high score and get the marble to reach the goal because sometimes you exert different amount of energies so the results won't always be the same. I showed I was being a community contributor because I was sharing my ideas to the team on what I thought would work, and I was participating in the group discussion.